Code Smell 54 - Anchor Boats

Code Smell 54 - Anchor Boats

Code is there. Just in case. We might need it soon.

TL:DR; Don't leave code for future use.


  • Complexity

  • Coupling


  1. Remove dead code.

  2. Leave covered and real tested code.

Sample Code



final class DatabaseQueryOptimizer {

  public function selectWithCriteria($tableName, $criteria) {
    //Make some optimizations manipulating criteria

  private function sqlParserOptimization(SQLSentence $sqlSentence): SQLSentence {
    //Parse the SQL converting it to a string and then working with their nodes as strings and lots of regex
    //This was a very costly operation overcoming real SQL benefits.
    //But since we made too much work we decide to keep the code. 



final class DatabaseQueryOptimizer {

  public function selectWithCriteria($tableName, $criteria) {
    //Make some optimizations manipulating criteria


Using some mutation testing variants we can remove the dead code and see if test fails.

We need to have good coverage to rely on this solution.




Dead code is always a problem.

We can use modern development techniques like TDD to ensure all code is alive.

Also Known as

  • Speculative Generality


More info


Photo by Kris Mikael Krister on Unsplash

Thanks to Apoorv Tyagi for pointing this out.

It is very hard to predict, especially the future.

Niels Bohr

This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.

Last update: 2021/06/13