sort, doSort, basicSort, doBasicSort, primitiveSort, superBasicPrimitiveSort, who does the real work?
TL;DR: Shortcuts for mini wrappers shout for better solutions.
Bad Naming
Low Cohesion
Single Responsibility Principle
Use good object wrappers
Use dynamic decorators
Sample Code
final class Calculator {
private $cachedResults;
function computeSomething() {
if (isset($this->cachedResults)) {
return $this->cachedResults;
$this->cachedResults = $this->logAndComputeSomething();
private function logAndComputeSomething() {
$result = $this->basicComputeSomething();
return $result;
private function basicComputeSomething() {
/// Do Real work here
final class Calculator {
function computeSomething() {
// Do Real work here since I am Compute!
//Clean and cohesive class, single responsibility
final class CalculatorDecoratorCache {
private $cachedResults;
private $decorated;
function computeSomething() {
if (isset($this->cachedResults)) {
return $this->cachedResults;
$this->cachedResults = $this->decorated->computeSomething();
final class CalculatorDecoratorLogger {
private $decorated;
function computeSomething() {
$result = $this->decorated->computeSomething();
return $result;
We can instruct our static linters to find wrapping methods if they follow conventions like doXXX(), basicXX() etc.
- Declarativiness
We came across this kind of method some time in our developer life, We smelled something was not OK with them. Now is the time to change them!
More info
Photo by Roger Bradshaw on Unsplash
The primary disadvantage of Wrap Method is that it can lead to poor names. In the previous example, we renamed the pay method dispatchPay() just because we needed a different name for code in the original method.
Michael Feathers
This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.